Do you think having a massage is just about relaxation, pampering
or relieving tight muscles? Yes massage is great for inducing a deep
state of relaxation and providing some pampering 'me' time. And you know
it is excellent for relieving tight, sore or cramped muscles and the
associated pain that goes with it. But there are many other benefits and
reasons for having a massage than you may not be aware of.
Because massage affects us on a mind, body and spirit level, it can release a cascade of beneficial effects on a physiological, chemical, emotional and mental level.
Here are 10 important massage benefits that you may not know about.
Due to the easing of sore and painful muscles and freeing up of joints, less medication may be required to keep you comfortable.
The Lymphatic System is part of our body's natural defense system and massage stimulates the efficient flow of lymph therefore enhancing our natural immunity.
Massage increases circulation to the skin cells, bringing more oxygen and nutrients and oils used can also feed and moisturize the skin.
As a result of the sedating effect of massage the nerves are calmed and many of us are able to step back from our worried or anxious mind for a while and gain a more positive perspective.
Scar tissue can be broken down thereby reducing restrictions and unsightly scars.
Internal adhesions can be freed and pooling of excess tissue fluids can be reduced by stimulating drainage.
These are amino acids that work as the body's natural painkiller.
Regular treatments can also reduce the occurrence of migraines.
By enhancing wellbeing and reducing anxiety, thus encouraging chemical and hormonal balance.
Relaxation promotes ease of getting to sleep and clients often report a deeper, more restful sleep.
There are many other benefits not listed here so don't just think of massage as a guilty indulgence, but as a very enjoyable maintenance program for this amazing machine we call the body.
Because massage affects us on a mind, body and spirit level, it can release a cascade of beneficial effects on a physiological, chemical, emotional and mental level.
Here are 10 important massage benefits that you may not know about.
- Easing pain medication dependence.
Due to the easing of sore and painful muscles and freeing up of joints, less medication may be required to keep you comfortable.
- Enhancing immunity.
The Lymphatic System is part of our body's natural defense system and massage stimulates the efficient flow of lymph therefore enhancing our natural immunity.
- Improving the condition of the body's largest organ-the skin.
Massage increases circulation to the skin cells, bringing more oxygen and nutrients and oils used can also feed and moisturize the skin.
- Lessen depression and anxiety.
As a result of the sedating effect of massage the nerves are calmed and many of us are able to step back from our worried or anxious mind for a while and gain a more positive perspective.
- Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue.
Scar tissue can be broken down thereby reducing restrictions and unsightly scars.
- Reduce post surgery adhesions and swelling.
Internal adhesions can be freed and pooling of excess tissue fluids can be reduced by stimulating drainage.
- Release of endorphins.
These are amino acids that work as the body's natural painkiller.
- Relieve migraine pain.
Regular treatments can also reduce the occurrence of migraines.
- High blood pressure patients demonstrate lower diastolic blood pressure, anxiety, and stress hormones.
By enhancing wellbeing and reducing anxiety, thus encouraging chemical and hormonal balance.
- Enhanced sleep quality.
Relaxation promotes ease of getting to sleep and clients often report a deeper, more restful sleep.
There are many other benefits not listed here so don't just think of massage as a guilty indulgence, but as a very enjoyable maintenance program for this amazing machine we call the body.