Thursday, April 7, 2016

Trouble Sleeping? Try a Massage

So, what are the benefits of a good night's rest? It may seem like a silly question but catching the right amount of sleep every night may be more important than you think. A good night's sleep helps to repair your body, maintains a healthy heart, reduces the effects of stress, improves your memory, controls weight gain and decreases the risk of diabetes.

Think of the things that you do every day which you can't live without. We're talking about daily bodily regulated activities like eating, drinking and breathing. Sleeping falls into this category and is as important. Sleep plays a pivotal role in wellness, physical health, longevity and emotional stability. You know that feeling you have after a great night's sleep? Not only do you feel refreshed but your thoughts are clearer, allowing you to make important decisions that you are faced with throughout your busy day.

For many people, however, sleep is not that easy to come by. Everyday millions of people around the world have trouble closing their eyes and drifting off to sleep. Sleep deprivation and insomnia is not only annoying - everybody has had one of those tossing and turning nights, counting down the hours until sunrise and another full day of stumbling bleary-eyed through work - but chronic insomnia has many other debilitating effects. Not only does a lack of sleep cause calamities like car accidents, industrial disasters, medical and occupational problems but it can also lead to depressive states, anxiety and memory loss.

Remedies for Insomnia

The fact of the matter is that a large of the American population suffers from insomnia. So, where are these millions of Americans turning in order to get a good night's sleep? Approximately 10 million people in the U.S use prescription sleeping aids and although sleeping pills may do the trick for a time they are most certainly not a long term solution.

If you are suffering from insomnia and are searching for insomnia treatments and remedies then it is best look into alternative, natural treatments. Massage can be an extremely soothing and beneficial treatment for those suffering from chronic insomnia. This natural, external, stimulating treatment has had a significant impact on insomniacs and has been proven to be a highly effective insomnia remedy.

How Does Massage Assist in Treating Insomnia?

While massage can relieve pain and tension, a popular complaint amongst insomniacs, it can also promote relaxation which can assist in restoring the sleeping patterns of insomnia suffers. Unwinding, de-stressing and relaxing the body can encourage greater relaxation in the body's muscles and soft tissues, providing a more lucrative, peaceful platform for deeper, undisturbed sleep.

Massage assists in oxygenating the blood, relaxing the muscles and promoting health and wellbeing around the body. This can aid in healthier, deeper breathing and in boosting the immune system. In addition to the stimulating nature of the massage oils can also be used to stimulate relaxation and promote sleeping patterns. Lavender oil has long been noted as a fantastic insomnia remedy. This oil relieves pain, combats depressions and relaxes the nerves. Other beneficial oils include chamomile and rose.

More than half of the American population loses sleep as a result of anxiety and stress.

So next time you're laying awake at 2am in the morning, staring at your digital clock and wondering why you can't get to sleep while everyone else can, take comfort in the fact that you have more company than you think. However, if you'd like to increase your sleeping hours and combat chronic insomnia, consider natural remedies before turning to over-the-counter medication. Try a massage and promote relaxation and wellness around the body, and enjoy a healthy night's sleep.

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